SMART NPDES provides functionality to field and office personnel responsible for maintaining EPA compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and related state regulations. These requirements cover the following functional areas.


SMART NPDES provides functionality to field and office personnel responsible for maintaining EPA compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and related state regulations. These requirements cover the following functional areas.

  • Scheduling of required field observations and sampling applicable to the governing permit for each location.
  • Data entry forms for field users documenting observations and samples taken.
  • A user interface through which office (and/or lab) personnel can enter or review sample results as they become available.
  • A workflow system that incorporates established business processes (e.g., completion of Non-Compliance Reports, re-sampling) triggered by the entry of specific data (e.g., observation of a sheen) or anomalous results (e.g., samples tested outside allowable limits).
  • A system of alerts and notifications to advise users when tasks are due and/or when anomalous results have been entered.
  • Reporting functionality to produce EPA Region Discharge Monitoring Reports and any similar reports required by state regulators.
  • A csv export function to enable uploading of the DMR to NetDMR

SMART NPDES is a fully functional NPDES application. The only configuration tasks required of end-users are the setting of sample schedules and the identification of local monitoring parameters such as the discharge streams at each location.

NPDES compliance requires costly and time-consuming effort by field and office personnel. Streamlining the process and providing a full-spectrum solution for maintaining compliance, data capture and timely reporting, that’s SMART.